Event Structure Analysis for Hurricane Wind and Eye movement
Li Yu, Aidong Lu, and William Ribarsky
Charlotte Visualization Center, UNC Charlotte
For downloadable content including data and software
please contact Dr. Xiaoyu Wang

We are working to bring together multiple tools from the above set plus the event structuring described briefly in the hurricane wind and eye movement analysis above into an integrated system. The event structuring is general and will be used for identifying and tracking a variety of events in space and time. (It has also been used to identify and follow storm surge events.) This system will permit the investigation of multiple models together (e.g., storm surge, river inundation and flooding, rainfall, severe storm winds) to provide a comprehensive picture of a large-scale disaster. The geographic visualization will provide a common picture of these models together to see where there is correlation and interrelationship, but, more importantly, the event structuring will provide a complete, unfolding story of the disaster. We will provide our tools and scenario to emergency planners and responders in the Carolina coastal region. Simulations of storm surge and flooding localized to particular coastal communities are also under discussion.
Video and Images
Part 1: